Monday, September 29, 2014

Long time, no posts

Sorry I have let this blog coast for so long.

I have moved and unfortunately, my needlework has gone on the back burner. Hopefully, I will be able to get sorted soon. I do have a good working space that will be available once we are settled in and I hope to pick up my work once again.

In the meantime, I have discovered a very talented artist named Dan Moyer who creates whimsey.  He is currently doing a spin-off on the Blue Willow porcelain we all grew up with. He is producing versions of these plates called Calamity Wear with hidden disasters worked into the design.

Here's an example plate from the run.

And as if this is not enough, he has also been in the process of redesigning the traditional bandana.

Just for fun, I sent him this graphic of how the Japanese used a square of cloth to create shopping bags and other handy things.

Click on the images for more detail.

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